New features! Parent configs, scriptable tag queries, alias names, XDG directory support
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A major update which brings Unicode support for input text and PCRE2 regular expressions
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Patrick Drechsler included boxes in his list of Modern Linux Command Line
We are honored, especially because of the “modern” attribution.

Boxes is now available as a chocolatey package. Chocolatey (or just “choco”) is the
popular package manager on Windows. If you have choco, you can now simply
and boxes will be available on your system.
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C:\> choco install boxes.portable
Version 1.3 is out.
This release features a small number of bug fixes and several new box designs ... read more
This release features a small number of bug fixes and several new box designs ... read more
We put together some step-by-step instructions on how to call
boxes directly from the Notepad++ editor on Windows. It requires a bit of clicking to set up, but works like a charm!
John Schuster of the “Geek Must Have” blog published a blog post on
It gives very detailed guidance on how to set up boxes to work in Windows PowerShell. Thanks John!
In short, on Windows, you want boxes.exe and boxes.cfg in the same directory, ideally one that’s listed on the
It gives very detailed guidance on how to set up boxes to work in Windows PowerShell. Thanks John!
In short, on Windows, you want boxes.exe and boxes.cfg in the same directory, ideally one that’s listed on the
environment variable.
Version 1.2 is out. This release features a minor enhancement to the configuration file capabilities,
several bug fixes, improvements to the build, and several new box designs.
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Boxes is now part of Windows 10! This sounds amazing, and it is - albeit, to be honest,
in an indirect way. Since this year’s “anniversary update”, Windows 10 features an optional
Ubuntu Subsystem, which supports
boxes natively. This is mostly thanks to
@carnil, who maintains the
Debian packages; and Debian being the foundation of Ubuntu. So, like I said, it is an indirect way, but still, we can’t
help being a little proud of the fact!
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