Download Boxes

The current release is version 2.3.1. For older revisions, feel free to browse the release history.


The best way to get boxes is via your package manager. Here are some package managers which we know have a boxes package, but there are more - just try it on yours.

Platform Tool Command
Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) apt apt-get install -y boxes
Linux (Fedora) dnf dnf install boxes
MacOS brew brew install boxes
Windows choco choco install boxes.portable

Windows Portable ZIP

For Windows, we also have a portable ZIP which you can unpack somewhere in your PATH. Make sure to put boxes.exe and boxes.cfg in the same directory. Get the ZIP file here.

Vim Syntax File

We also have a Vim syntax file which enables the Vim editor to apply syntax highlighting to boxes config files.


The boxes sources are on GitHub, including previous releases (build instructions):