Integration with Jed
@asheiduk shared the following excerpt from his .jedrc:
%!% Ripped from ""
variable Last_Process_Command = Null_String;
define do_process_region(cmd) {
variable tmp;
tmp = make_tmp_file ("/tmp/jedpipe");
cmd = strncat (cmd, " > ", tmp, " 2>&1", 4);
!if (dupmark ()) error ("Mark not set.");
if (pipe_region (cmd))
error ("Process returned a non-zero exit status.");
del_region ();
() = insert_file (tmp);
() = delete_file (tmp);
define process_region ()
variable cmd;
cmd = read_mini ("Pipe to command:", Last_Process_Command, "");
!if (strlen (cmd)) return;
Last_Process_Command = cmd;
if( BATCH == 0 ){
setkey("process_region", "\e|"); % ESC-Pipe :-)
% define some often used filters
setkey("do_process_region(\"tal\")", "\et") % tal on esc-t
I think it calls tal when you press ESC-t
(second but last line). Thus,
you would have to add a similar line to call boxes.